Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Meet Bandit

Everyone meet Pretty Bandit! This little bundle of joy has some confidence issues (specifically when it comes to other dogs), needs work on her vehicle manners and her obedience. She has been through The Ruff Life Obedience, but needed some special one on one time with Monique and some stable, well behaved dogs.

Bandit feels the need to put on a mean face and make a TON of noise when she see's a new dog. She thinks this will keep other dogs away...but that is usually not the case. Those silly dogs still come running up to her full steam.

Bandit is the youngest of 3 Jack's in her family! and she definitely is the feistiest of them all too! (and that is why we love her). She is always putting a smile on peoples faces... now its her turn to be able to relax and love life to the fullest!

Session 1 of 3
(Tuesday, Jan.14th 2014)

Today we went to go pick Bandit up from her home, and we were very surprised that when we walked into the house that Miss. Bandit didn't react. She came up immediately for love. Maybe she recognized us? or maybe this 'bad' 'protective' behaviour is only when there is new pooches around. A "defence mechanism" per say. Once we left the house we noticed that Bandit LOVES to pull on a fact... we think she thinks she is a sled dog. ;D

Bandit's mommy's told us that she had bad vehicle manners, and loved to lunge out of the vehicle when given the chance. So this was the first thing that we worked on! Not jumping into the front seat or lunging out of vehicle doors. Both these things are SOOO dangerous. Bandit is a smart cookie, especially when there is cookies ;) so as long as we were consistent... she picked it up fast. Who knew you could teach a Jack, that you are more stubborn?!?! lol

The second thing we wanted to work on was Bandit's lack of confidence, specifically with other dogs. So we headed to the dog park. We wanted to first get her used to the "pack". We had Kona, Yoko and Roxy with us to help us out! All these dogs are very stable, and will ignore new dogs if they are uncomfortable, and show no interest in playing with them. PERFECT for teaching Bandit that dogs aren't scary! Bandit took a bit to warm up to Kona & was a lot easier on her terms, so we put Kona and Yoko in a down command while Bandit came up on her own terms to sniff them. (Check out the video below). Once she was good with the pack, we were set! Off we went to introduce her to new dogs, situations and to work on those boring obedience commands and to teach her that recalling can actually become FUN!!! It took a little bit but Bandit started to come out of her shell. She was quite intimidated by other dogs coming up to her, but when they turned to walk away she was running up behind them to sniff them. Curiosity is GOOD!

Next session we will be trying to introduce her to more stable, well behaved dogs..... and doing drills to up her confidence... in the "right" way ;)

Looking forward to working with this beauty again next week! Keep checking back for more updates on the adventures of Bandit!

(A Big THANKS to Vanessa & Roxy and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)

Session 2 of 3
(Tuesday, Jan.21st 2014)

Oh Beautiful Bandit. Bandit's mommies have been working really hard this week at staying on top of Bandit's (and her sisters) obedience. You could tell that something had changed, as she was much better behaved, but she also was a bit more sensitive then what we were expecting her to be. This is a fairly normal behaviour, as there are big changes happening at home... and Bandit is not so sure about the change. With that being said, it will just be a few days before she settles in nicely to the new routine. 

Today when we got to the dog park, it was BUSY! Which was great for training. Bandit immediately attached to Kona & Yoko and she got to meet Cabella for the first time. They all did great! 

There were a few times that Bandit felt overwhelmed. She puffed herself up and barked like a mad woman. It was very clear that we needed to show her another way of releasing and getting away from stress. So we were on a mission to teach her to leave a situation if she is un-comfortable OR to look to other stable dogs/humans for guidance and confidence. This worked great for her, and she quickly learned to leave the situation instead of trying to confront every big scary thing that came her way. 

We found that if we got down and gave the new dogs love, that Bandit took a big sigh of relief and then stole as many sniffs as she could before the other dogs noticed! 

At one point we even attached Bandit to Cabella with a leash. They were like two peas in a pod, sniffing everything, checking everything out TOGETHER! It was so amazing to see. (This doesn't work for a lot of dogs...but there are a few lucky ones)

Check out her video for more updates/progress! 
(A Big THANKS to Carmin & Cabella and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)

Bandit #2 from Monique Lamoureux on Vimeo.


Session 3 of 3
(Tuesday, Jan.28th 2014)

Oh my gosh Bandit! You are so clever, bright, and quick witted! If we could wish that one dog could would be you! We can just see it now.. you would make everyones day brighter, you'd make people who are having a bad day smile, and you would bring even more light to the room/area when you walked in! We can't even express how many times this little girl has put a smile on our face, and on the faces at the dog park!

Bandit has gone from a scared, snappy little dog... who would constantly get herself into trouble because she would lash out... to a stable happy girl that instigates play. You can see this little girls mind work as she thinks out a situation. She now will meet and greet dogs, and if she is uncomfortable she removes her self from the situation.(most of the time) She still needs a little reassurance, and an escape route if she is super overwhelmed... but for the most part this girl has got it down.

It will be important that Bandit's mommies praise this little girl when she is meeting new dogs, to recall her when she is uncomfortable.... to help her with that "escape plan". Doesn't every girl need a 'back up'/ 'escape plan' ??? LOL. Bandit also NEEDS jobs to do! This girl LOVES LOVES LOVES to work! She loves using her brain so much! You can see her face literally change when she does a good job. This will be important to keep her confidence up, and to make sure she doesn't get irritable and cranky ;) Yes! she focuses on all the wrong things, if she isn't being productive ;) I think we are all guilty of that. 

We can not wait to see this little ones progress and get updates from her mommies!!!

Keep up the great work Bandit! We love you!

Check out her video for more updates/progress! 

(A Big THANKS to Carmin & Cabella, Ricki & Little and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)

Friday, January 24, 2014



Everyone meet Rosie. This beautiful girl may look confident, and to some... she may even look a little intimidating. However, she really is sensitive, sweet, and nervous gal.

Rosie feels the need to protect her mommy. It doesn't matter if she is on a leash, in a vehicle or in the general vicinity... Rosie feels the need to keep an eye out for danger and scary "Bad guys and BAD dogs". Rosie is very typical of a lot of dogs that feels the need to protect her "pack" but is NOT comfortable doing it. Rosie has been through The Ruff Life Basic group a few years ago, and she is now getting a little bit more attention with Monique.

Session 1 of 3
(Thursday, January. 9th 2014)
Today we met up with Rosie's mommy, and went over some of the stuff that we would like to work on. Rosie usually reacts when she see's people and other dogs, when she is inside the vehicle. So this was one of the first things that we were going to work on. However, when we got Rosie into the truck and made our way through town to the dog park... she was an angel! and just watched "life" as it passed by. This was an exciting evidence to support what Monique thought right from the beginning. That Rosie wasn't truly "aggressive"... she was just self conscious, has low confidence and has been put in a position (unknowingly of course) that she is not comfortable with.

Our goal was to put Rosie into a "pack" situation with stable tempermented dogs,  that way she could feel confident and comfortable when approaching new dogs and people. This is our way of showing Rosie that situations are not as scary as they seem. Cabella, Kimber, Tikka, Yoko and Kona all took turns meeting other dogs and people before Rosie... while she got to sit back and take it all in. Eventually she was up at the front of the group... meeting new dogs and their owners... and even doing a few play bows (with a couple different male dogs.... yes we think she is a bit of a flirt <3 and we LOVE It) She is just so adorable!!!

During our session Rosie did wonderful at her obedience and even had to be coaxed out of some of her commands, because she was unsure if she was doing the right thing.  You could tell that she wants to please, but is so self conscious of what she is doing. She didn't want to "screw up". So we did tons of confidence boosting drills, which she LOVES LOVES LOVES!!! You can tell this girl is a pleaser!
Her recall needed a ton of work, as she was highly distracted by scents and what might be up a tree. But by the end of the session, she was running back with tons of excitement and a wagging tail.

We can't wait to watch this pretty ladies progress as she grows into a strong, healthy and confident pooch. Check back soon for more updates on the adventures of Rosie!!!

Below is a video of her AMAZING progress with dogs! Look how laid back she is starting to become!!! after just ONE SESSION! What a good girl!! We love you Rosie!

(A Big THANKS to Danby with Kimber & Tikka, Carmin with Cabella and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)

Session 2 of 3
(Thursday, January. 16th 2014)

Rosie you made us so proud today! We don't think we have ever seen you play with another dog before. YAY!

Watching Rosie come out of her shell was moving and exciting. Her meet's and greet's are MUCH better then her first session, which was only a week ago.  She even was well behaved and kept her composure when another dog growled at her! SUCH PROGRESS!!! and we are pretty excited that her recalls are getting better as well.

It was beautiful to see her show more emotion in her face today!! We are pretty sure that we even caught her smiling at least a few times today! She is just beaming!

Here is a little video that sums up her session! Enjoy!

(A Big THANKS to Heather with Bane & Luna, and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)

Rosie from Monique Lamoureux on Vimeo.


Session 3 of 3-GRAD DAY
(Thursday, January. 23rd 2014)

Rosie, you are an inspiration and we are so very proud of you. You have gone from a 'stand offish' girl who would react to anything passing by in the vehicle, any dog in the park, and lots of different people..... to initiating play with other dogs, running up to people, and LOVING truck rides! 

Rosie is a sensitive girl, and was reacting anytime there was any negative input (leashing being tight, scared voice from her mom, mom not breathing ;), no praise when she is uncomfortable). This can be very scary to on-lookers as she is a big girl. This is a behaviour we see everyday! and many of us human parents have no idea we are doing these things.

Rosies mommy will really have to focus on what type of input she is putting into the situation, and really focus on reading other well as her own. Hackles means the dog is aroused .. not that it is about to attack. It can actually mean that they are happy too! The biggest thing to work on, is to continue to work on "un-zoning" this pretty girl in high stimulation environments. Getting her focus back on her mommy, and the pack that she is KEY! 

Rosie had a great day, making faces at us...sticking her tongue out and playing with other dogs! 

Rosie told us a little secret today... she LOVES playing with other dogs... and she wants her mommy to remember to breathe and enjoy the experiences that will come.

Here is a little video of her session today, and a glimpse at some of the funny faces she was giving us!

(A Big THANKS to Carmin with Cabella, Heather with Bane & Luna, and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support) 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


(Wednesday, January.8th, 2014)

Everyone meet Teddy. Teddy is a loveable sweet boy who had some huge confidence issues. We are in the process of showing him that the world isn't a scary place! 

Teddy feels the need to protect his mommy, and feeds off of his brothers behaviours. So anytime he see's a dog, a person with a snowboard/skis, a new strange person in the distance, horses or being on a moving sleigh... he likes to puff himself up real big and pretend to be a scary dog. (Which in-fact he is a giant Teddy Bear...hence his name.) Teddy has been through our basic group classes, and is now getting a little more one on one attention with Monique. ;)

Session 1 of 3
Today Teddy was introduced to multiple new dogs in a semi-controlled environment. Our goal was to put Teddy in as many positive situations as possible, without any negative input.  
We wanted to put him into these situations with out his mommy or brother... so he could focus on just being a dog, and having fun...instead of having to protect and keep an eye out for danger. (The world is a scary place, didn't you know!?!)

At first Teddy was quite nervous. He drewled the entire ride to the dog park, but was such a good boy in the truck. You could tell he was full of anxiety and stress once we entered the dog park.... but we were armed with yummy treats that he couldn't resist and there was a twinkle of curiosity in his eye. We were set for a great session!

It didn't take long before Teddy was comfortable with the new pack that he was walking in! Roxy, Tikka, Kimber, Kona & Yoko all took turns saying hi and showing him what it was like to just relax and be a dog! Teddy even tried to get Roxy to play by doing the cutest play bow! (Unfortunately our camera taking skills weren't fast enough to get that picture) 

During our session Teddy did wonderful at his obedience, recalls and he met at least 15 new dogs and their people! We did TONS of fun confidence boosting drills which he excels at and loves! We think, he thinks he is a cat in he is surprisingly agile and light on his feet. 

We can't wait to work with this handsome man next week! 
Keep checking back for more of Teddy's adventures!

(A Big THANKS to Danby with Kimber & Tikka, Vanessa with Roxy and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)


Session 2 of 3
(Wednesday, January.15th, 2014)

Oh Teddy... How we love thee... let us count the ways! This handsome boy blew us out of the water today! He was so so good! Everything from meet and greets with other dogs, to recalls to distance commands! 

Exactly one week ago today, Teddy came for his first "Excel your dogs training" session! Now look at him go! This video explains it all... Check it out! 

(A Big THANKS to Vanessa & Roxy, Heather with Bane & Luna and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)

Keep Checking Back for more updates on the Adventures of Teddy!


Session 3 of 3
(Wednesday. January. 22nd 2014)

Today was Teddy's last session ~ GRAD DAY ~ and we were just blown away at his progress. This smart cookie started training with us just 3 short weeks ago. He was HIGHLY reactive around his mom and brother, and in the vehicle. At times he could even be a bit loud and un-ruley.... But now look at him!!! Not only has he settled into his own skin, he is enjoying life as a dog. 

Teddy LOVES LOVES LOVES having a job to do, and knowing that he can rely on his mommy to watch out for danger so he can just be a dog and play. ;)

His mommy will have to work on making sure she doesn't put any input into the leash and/or situation (which is pretty hard to do), and when she is uncomfortable to call him out of a situation instead of pull him out of the situation. 

We are so so very proud of this man's progress and can NOT wait to get some updates! Keep an eye out for this guy at our drop in sessions. 

(A Big THANKS to Vanessa & Roxy, and Kona & Yoko for their puppy support)